St Maartins Pearl Of The Caribbean...

Of all the Caribbean Islands, St Maartins (as it is sometimes called) holds the title belt for all in one vacation fun.
Its reputation as a cruise destination has grown substantially over the last two decades and today boasts cruise ship arrivals, of over 1.4 million per year.
This small but yet busy Island is shared by two nations, (France and Holland) and is a perfect example of people living in harmony regardless of their political status.
St Maarten is undoubtedly an important hub in this part of the world, second only to Puerto Rico which is only 35 minutes flight away.
Getting to Saint Maarten is made easy by the numerous connections from North America, Europe and South & Central America. Princes Juliana International Airport connects the many surrounding Islands such as Saint Barts, Saba, Anguilla, Sint Eustatius and Sint Kitts that only cater to small aircraft.
While in Saint Maarten you'll notice that there is no shortage of activities that range from water sports to zip lining in the forest A favorite pass time is hanging out at the end of the airstrip where the aircraft come and go.
Saint Maarten is a haven for beach weddings and attracts folk from all over the world to its crystal clear shoreline. Beaches and there associated accommodations tie in together to deliver that five star ambiance.
Besides all the regular attributes that come along with Saint Maarten life though, is its special bond that the islanders share between themselves. Its rich culture and always smiling faces add to a deserving vacation. With over eighty nationalities living and working in St Maartens there is no wonder why it thrives so well.

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