Celebrity Chef Johann Roebert dominates the market...

Right in the heart of the busy Pelican Village is one of my very favorite restaurants. The Stone.
It's hard to even imagine the interior of this magnificent eatery without venturing on inside.
The moment you open the door to the restaurant, the exceedingly well trained staff leaps to your service. I almost thought that "Pablo" the friendly waiter was about to push me outside.
I was relieved to learn that it was his eager dash to welcome me in. I loved it. Nothing gets above great service.
That in itself told me everything I needed to know about their mottos, and from that moment on I knew what to expect.
The elegant decor of driftwood-framed crart draped the walls and reminded me that I was still in paradise.
The Stone, as it is appropriately named, specializes in an interesting on the spot culinary method.
Celebrity Chef Johann Roebert, who has had extensive training in the art is always present and attends to detail.
The Stone Restaurant - The Cuisine / The Method...
He specializes in French Japanese fusion. Ummmmm!
Their seafood and meats are prepared on a black volcanic stone. You may choose to have it well done from the kitchen or watch it simmer to perfection right in front of you at the dinner table.
My spouse and I ordered the pink salmon. I need not mention the succulent flavors that enticed the palate.
I didn't know what to expect from The Stone, but I was ultimately very impressed with this restaurant.
I was fortunate enough to have been there on Tuesday evening when there's live entertainment. It was a gentleman with a simple acoustic guitar. He played all the classics. Very elegant and romantic. If you're interested in visiting the stone, (as I highly recommend), Please make a reservation. They are almost always booked out.
Book The Stone Now.
LOCATION: DUTCH SIDE - Pelican Marina - Billy folly road #37 Simpson Bay, St. Maarten.
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